Julianna just started middle school and we have to get up an hour and a half earlier than we used to. So it’s been an adjustment. This morning I was having a hard time waking her up. Instead of me dragging her out of the bed or yelling and screaming at her, I instantly remembered I have one tool in my tool belt that works every time and that’s TALKING ABOUT THE TEA. In Julianna’s case she loves hearing the gossip on Cody’s Competition Dance Team. As soon as I started talking about who got a solo and who didn’t get into the group number, or who was upset, she sprung up and got out of the bed chattering and asking questions. Questions like…. What competitions is he doing? So if you have a child on the spectrum who’s struggling to communicate past wants and needs, this is just a hot tip for you to get talking about tea. Figure out what your child LOVES to talk about and they’ll be singing like canaries. Xo Michelle |

When The Gap Feels Too Wide
I had a conversation recently with a father that stopped me in my tracks. His eleven-year-old daughter with autism was killing it in so many

The most powerful parents are this….
Let’s talk about what makes a powerful autism parent You might think it’s a parent who’s been able to help their child with autism master

Why I’m Grateful for My Daughter’s Tears
My daughter Julianna bombed her swim meet this weekend. Added time to every single race. It happens. It just wasn’t her weekend.