Champions For Our Children Master Class

The Champions for Our Children Master Class A 90-day sisterhood via my intensive course where I take your hand and lead you and other parents through the maze of this alternative parenting experience.

bonus courses

Potty Power

Potty Power is exactly what you need! I break it down for you and walk you through what to exactly do, when to do it and how. Step by Step. All you have to do is to…

Hey, I'm Michelle advocating

Advocating Like A Boss

USE MY 3 STEP PROVEN SYSTEM TO Advocate Like A Boss for yourself and your child, so you can stop living in debilitating fear of the diagnosis and start getting the best results for your child in 30 DAYS!

Non Verbal To Communicate

Reduce your concerns and fears by giving your child the GIFT of language with my Non Verbal to Communicate Guide! This user friendly guide offers a personalized, tried and true approach to help your child communicate once and for all! 

teaching kids with autism

Teaching our Children with Autism

Ready To See Your Child Make AMAZING Gains?


Getting Off The Waitlist

Don’t waste yours and your child’s time riding the fence. What I tell my clients is whether they have an Autism Diagnosis or not is inconsequential to the ticket to services the diagnosis provides. So before you go in there KNOW what you want the outcome to be.

The Autism Diagnosis comes with the ability to get a prescription for Behavioral Therapy (ABA), and it’s not just effective for children with Autism, it’s been PROVEN EFFECTIVE FOR ALL CHILDREN!

bonus guides
The Autism Mommy's Potty Pocket Guide!

Potty Pocket Guide

The possibilities are truly endless when your child can go to the bathroom on their own!
communication Guide michellebrogers

Non Verbal to Communicate Guide

It’s so important for the child’s further development that a baseline of communication is established.
The Autism Mommy's Picket Eaters Guide 2

The Autism Mommy's Picky Eater Protocol

They like structure, routine… And they like the foods they get accustomed to having.

The Autism Mommy's Guide to Reducing Aggressive Problem Behavior

Slowly Approach Your BELIEFS around the Problem Behavior


Elopement and Children with ASD Guide

When children elope, they are trying to communicate something. When you figure out what they are trying to say, you can help them communicate that need in a safer way. 

Using the iPhone or the Tablet for behaviors you want.

Helping kids regulate their own media use is an ongoing process, and along the way you’re likely to experience some struggles when it’s time to turn off the TV, iPad, or any other digital device.


The Autism Mommy's Social Skills Starter

Working on Social Skills is UPLEVEL Training because when you have the BIG 3 for your baby, you also have built up your mental/emotional strength to take on the craft of teaching social skills.


The Autism Mom's Survival Guide to Problem Behaviors

When our children on the spectrum (or any children for that matter) engage in unwanted behaviors, Teachers and Therapists like to dissect and understand the function of that behavior clinically.


Autism Mommy’s Guide to Getting off Waitlists

Don’t waste yours and your child’s time riding the fence. What I tell my clients is whether they have an Autism Diagnosis or not is inconsequential to the ticket to services the diagnosis provides. So before you go in there KNOW what you want the outcome to be.


6 Steps to Go From Overwhelm to Warrior

Included here are the Top 6 Needle Moving Steps I took to bring my daughter from a non-verbal 2 year old in the most restrictive special needs preschool class, to a 1st grader in an integrated learning environment with typical peers. She is also an off the charts Swimmer! (Mom brag).