Potty Train Reward for successful potty use

If giving bubbles and tablet for successful elimination,

Bubbles – we blow bubbles in air over head so they fall down with a soft ” yay ” to express content. Do I give the tablet right away while sitting on the potty immediately after the bubbles for successful elimination.or do we wait until the complete sequence of off potty , pull up pants , then wash hands then tablet ?

We have been giving both at successful pee and poo and completing the other part of sequence after the 5 min of tablet reward time is completed.


In the beginning just till your baby gets that "Pee and Poop go here" I reward as soon as I hear the pee or poop drop. As you get the reps, then you can celebrate softly vocally and then go through all the steps then the 5 min reward when they're done. Let me know if this makes sense.

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1 thought on “Potty Train Reward for successful potty use”

  1. In the beginning just till your baby gets that “Pee and Poop go here” I reward as soon as I hear the pee or poop drop. As you get the reps, then you can celebrate softly vocally and then go through all the steps then the 5 min reward when they’re done. Let me know if this makes sense.

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