Saying hello/Answering to name

I am having a hard time getting my 4 year old son to say hello when I greet him. I say hello, and it will take many times of me saying hello before he will say it back. Most of the time I have to prompt him to say it and even then it is a struggle. Also when calling him name, it takes a very long time and multiple attempts before he even notices I am calling him. Wondering how I can improve this.


First we want to confirm that your baby can express wants and need vocally. If this is on lock then we can work on social greetings like Hi and Bye. What I would do is first offer a visual of me doing it with others and praising them for engaging. I would do waves first, then work on "hi", "bye". Then I would do it with role play with dolls, and then what I did with Julianna is we use to make it a game. If she said Hi, I would get excited spin her around the room. I also want to make sure I am not the only one working on it with her, I encouraged family to say hi as well. Keep modeling and stay consistent. Let me know if this is helpful and how you make out!

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1 thought on “Saying hello/Answering to name”

  1. First we want to confirm that your baby can express wants and need vocally. If this is on lock then we can work on social greetings like Hi and Bye. What I would do is first offer a visual of me doing it with others and praising them for engaging. I would do waves first, then work on “hi”, “bye”. Then I would do it with role play with dolls, and then what I did with Julianna is we use to make it a game. If she said Hi, I would get excited spin her around the room. I also want to make sure I am not the only one working on it with her, I encouraged family to say hi as well. Keep modeling and stay consistent. Let me know if this is helpful and how you make out!

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