Transition to another aba and school

My grandson was offered a spot at another aba . They have a school connected to their aba that goes up to 12th grade . He is only 4 . Will be 5 in January . I think there is a waiting list to get into their school not the aba . I feel like he should only be switched if they guarantee a place in their school and not be put on a waiting list . He likes his aba and tech and would hate for him to have to get use to a new one if there will be no progression right into their school . I think he should stay at his current aba and just put him on waiting list for the school . We were told to get it in writing if they say he can go right into school after aba is finished . We were always told their was a
2 year waiting list for this school too . What do you think would be best .


Thank you for your question! Definitely get clarification from the ABA program/school. He might get to skip the waiting list if he is already in their ABA program, that is what some ABA programs do that have a connection with a school. I agree that if they can guarantee (in writing) that when he turns 5-years-old that he will enter the school and not be placed on a waiting list that you should go for it! BUT if they cannot make that guarantee then I would put him on the waiting list and stay at the current ABA placement. Good luck!

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1 thought on “Transition to another aba and school”

  1. Thank you for your question! Definitely get clarification from the ABA program/school. He might get to skip the waiting list if he is already in their ABA program, that is what some ABA programs do that have a connection with a school. I agree that if they can guarantee (in writing) that when he turns 5-years-old that he will enter the school and not be placed on a waiting list that you should go for it! BUT if they cannot make that guarantee then I would put him on the waiting list and stay at the current ABA placement. Good luck!

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