The most powerful parents are this….

The most powerful parents are this….

Let’s talk about what makes a powerful autism parent

You might think it’s a parent who’s been able to help their child with autism master all the basics – you know, potty trained, talking, and following the rules.

But that’s not it at all.

The most powerful parents I know are the ones who refuse to put limits on what their kids can do no matter where they fall on the spectrum. 

And I’ll be honest – I still catch myself doing this sometimes.

Just a few months ago, my daughter Julianna was invited to dinner at a Japanese restaurant with her best friend.

My first thought? “Oh no, she won’t eat anything there.”

I almost picked her up before dinner because I let autism define what I thought she could handle.

But then I caught myself. Instead of limiting her, I decided to challenge her.

You know what happened?

Not only did she try new foods, but she cooked her own meal at the table, went shopping at Sephora, and even got her first pedicure.

If I had listened to that limiting voice in my head, she would have missed out on all of that.

Here’s the truth: We all have these thoughts. Sometimes they sneak up on us when we least expect them.

Even after years of coaching parents and seeing incredible transformations, I still have to check myself.

The difference is what we do with those thoughts.

Do we let them stop us?

Or ….

Do we push past them and say “Why not my kid?”

The most powerful parents aren’t the ones who never have doubts.

They’re the ones who feel the fear and do it anyway.

My boss parents aren’t deterred by where their child is on the autism spectrum, rather they are fueled by their mindset and readiness to take action.

They’re the ones who look at their child and think “If they can do this, what else might they be capable of?”

So here’s my challenge to you this week: Catch yourself when you’re putting limits on your child. Ask yourself – is this really about their abilities, or is it about my fears?

Because the most powerful thing you can do as a parent isn’t protecting your child from failure. It’s believing in their potential to succeed.

Let’s raise the bar together.

Xo Michelle

P.S. Being scared but taking action anyway for your child with autism is what makes you a warrior parent. I’ve helped hundreds of parents move past their fears to create extraordinary breakthroughs for their children. If you’re ready to push past your limiting beliefs and unlock your child’s full potential, 
let’s talk. Book a call with me to learn more about my Group Coaching Program and see if we’re a fit.

Michelle B. Rogers is an Autism Mom & Life Coach for Parents of Children with Autism. She is an expert in helping parents Potty Train and Improve the Communication Skills of their children, with a "straight forward" results-driven approach. Her mission is helping every child with Autism to reach their greatest potential by empowering their parents. She provides Autism Parents with the mental, emotional and tactical tools and strategies to help their child live as independent of a life as possible so they too get their independence back.

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