
Embracing the Powerful Word “YET”

I’m having an AWESOME workshop tomorrow and I’ve been promoting it on social media, email, you name it.

It’s called the 5 Ways You’re (Unconsciously) Sabotaging Your Child with Autism, and if you haven’t signed up, it’s new, it’s free, anyone who comes live gets a free gift, AND those who stay till Q+A have a chance to win some raffle prizes.

If you’re never come to one of my workshops live, you have to come to this one. I am sharing personal stories of our journey with Autism, and want to connect and have fun with you in the process. It’s a tribe of like minded parents and I LIVE FOR THIS!

But every time I announce I am doing something like this, without fail, I get a handful of parents who blast me for promoting free resources.

Will I be offering you a chance to work with me at the end? Absolutely!

It’s my mission to help as many parents as possible. BUT whether we work together or not, I always bring awareness, training, and support. Not to mention ENTERTAINMENT :-).

In fact I have many regular parents that come to my workshops and don’t work with me but love to come to learn, be heard, and get a chance to win a raffle!

So why do some parents take precious time out of their day to blast an Autism Mom trying to get the message out that ALL CHILDREN WITH AUTISM deserve a shot at an independent life?

I’ve heard that some do this because they don’t have the resources to invest in working with me so they lash out.

I’ve also think that some get very upset when I do or say something they don’t agree with and just feel “compelled” to let me know aggressively I am wrong because (thanks to social media) gone are the days of living in a world where we can respectfully disagree with each other.

But I believe the negative reactions I get is because these parents are in pain.

They’re struggling to figure out how to help themselves and/or their child and want to be angry about it.

But what’s really making them so upset is they’ve CHOSE (consciously or unconsciously) to stop BELIEVING they and their child can be helped. 

People like me constantly offering support, advice, tips, is a painful reminder that they’ve stopped thinking a different life is possible.

And if you reside in this space then what else can you do with your time but be angry?

But… What if deep within you there is a voice that knows you might have gotten comfortable being in pain, and is crying out that you consider something else is possible?

Now I know you’ve gone down this rabbit hole before listening to that voice.

You’ve tried things that didn’t work. And when that happens, you feel the wave of disappointment that came with it.


I can confidently say that 90% of the things I tried with Julianna didn’t work.

Was I disappointed a lot ? ….YES!

But I didn’t blame myself, her, or even her Autism for the LEARN (not the fail), I CHOSE to lean into the thought that… 

I just haven’t found the thing that WILL work YET. 

The POWERFUL word “YET” kept me out of the dungeon of “Can’t” or “Never”.

I didn’t have time to hate on those who kept offering advice, giving support, etc. I was busy trying more stuff, doing more things, till I found what did work. 

And because I always kept at it, SOMETHING ALWAYS DID WORK. 

So the next time you want to get mad at the social post, an email, or the podcast that keeps screaming in your ear something else is possible, question why it bothers you so much.

It might be your soul calling out to you that THIS might be what you needed to hear for a reason. And that reason could lead you on a path that will save you and your child’s life.

xo Michelle

P.S. If you’re struggling with your anger at Autism, YOU NEED this workshop. I will be sharing how sabotaging thoughts are slipping into how you are parenting your child with Autism and effecting the results you want. By the way I am guilty of this too and I’ll be sharing my LEARNS with you. SIGN UP HERE. 


My daughter started middle school last week and when I look at this picture I can’t believe this is the same girl that was diagnosed

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Michelle B. Rogers is an Autism Mom & Life Coach for Parents of Children with Autism. She is an expert in helping parents Potty Train and Improve the Communication Skills of their children, with a "straight forward" results-driven approach. Her mission is helping every child with Autism to reach their greatest potential by empowering their parents. She provides Autism Parents with the mental, emotional and tactical tools and strategies to help their child live as independent of a life as possible so they too get their independence back.

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