My son was doing well with potty training at home. Once his teachers began taking him to potty at school he started showing refusals to go to the bathroom at school and at home. This has been going on for a couple of weeks. Then I became ill and was unable to be consistent with him for about a week. It has caused him to regress a bit. Any advice on how to get him back on track in both environments?
Sorry to hear this, but we will get him back on track! I want both you and his teachers to introduce some sort of reinforcement for going to the bathroom both at home and at school. I would isolate something special and highly preferred that he will ONLY get for going to the bathroom. Check in with his teachers to make sure they are being consistent and now that you are feeling better do your best to make sure everyone at home is consistent, too! Also, if he is being taken to the bathroom on a timed schedule, make sure it is still an appropriate interval. For example, if he is being taken to the bathroom every 30 minutes, but refusing, maybe he actually does not have to go and is ready to go every 45 minutes! Whatever interval you are currently on, just make sure you are consistently increasing the duration based on him remaining dry! Good luck and keep up the good work!
Sorry to hear this, but we will get him back on track! I want both you and his teachers to introduce some sort of reinforcement for going to the bathroom both at home and at school. I would isolate something special and highly preferred that he will ONLY get for going to the bathroom. Check in with his teachers to make sure they are being consistent and now that you are feeling better do your best to make sure everyone at home is consistent, too! Also, if he is being taken to the bathroom on a timed schedule, make sure it is still an appropriate interval. For example, if he is being taken to the bathroom every 30 minutes, but refusing, maybe he actually does not have to go and is ready to go every 45 minutes! Whatever interval you are currently on, just make sure you are consistently increasing the duration based on him remaining dry! Good luck and keep up the good work!