
Is it ok for my child to take melatonin and magnesium citrate together before bed?


I checked this one by Greer and she says it's ok. Personally I found magnesium on it's own works well but you just need to be careful with the dosage as it can give you the poops!

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2 thoughts on “Supplements”

  1. I checked this one by Greer and she says it’s ok. Personally I found magnesium on it’s own works well but you just need to be careful with the dosage as it can give you the poops!

  2. CandaceTaiMarkham

    About how much is too much? The vitamin I have recommends 200mg of magnesium citrate for ages 4 years old and older. I’ve only been giving my 6 year old son 100mg because I thought that 200mg was too much especially since I’m giving him melatonin also. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

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