If you ever work with me, here is what you will learn in the simplest terms:
You will learn to develop self-confidence through your willingness to record data, take action, and course correct till you get to goal.
That could be in teaching your child with Autism to Potty Train, Communicate, or stop their Problem Behaviors.
It’s not rocket science, but it is everything your brain doesn’t want to do.
What action are you sitting on TODAY to get your child potty trained?
What is the action your resisting to take to get your child communicating?
What could you be trying NOW but you’re holding out on till you talk to a “professional”?
Just go do it.
And here’s the key, do it with ZERO CONFIDENCE it’s going to work.
That’s how I started on the path to find what DID WORK for my daughter and thousands of families with children like her on the spectrum.
Find a thought that drives you.
It could be how they navigate an ipad….
How they solve a puzzle…
How they know exactly what you’re saying when you talk to them…
Then… commit to taking one step towards teaching your baby the life skill you want them to learn.
What is something that you can do TODAY to move your baby toward living a life of independence?
Maybe for Potty Training, you just work on getting your baby to sit on the toilet vs. trying to get them to eliminate?
What if for communication skills, you hand over hand showed your baby how to point for the cookie they hand led you to in the pantry?
Commit to knowing the answer to the first steps to those skills — not trying to “figure out the A to Z of potty training or communication today”
If you have any questions… answer them yourself.
It doesn’t mean you can’t reply to this email to ask for help or even HIRE ME as your coach to help you.
I’m ready to answer the call ALWAYS!!!
It simply means to never use “waiting on a response” or “waiting for the right exact steps” or “waiting for the experts” as a reason to not move forward.
In the moment… you always have a good enough answer.
Moving forward is more important than doing it right.
Remember that.
Then, TEST IT. Get out there, and make a move.
You can’t get TEST RESULTS without testing.
You need those results to EVALUATE THE DATA.
Then ask yourself…
What worked?
What didn’t work?
What will you do differently?
Then you’ll have a roadmap for what to do NEXT.
This is the secret to stepping into the identity of a problem solving parent.
This process develops your self-confidence.
It gets you RESULTS.
It gives you EXPERIENCE.
You can do this.
xo Michelle
P.S. Are you struggling to take imperfect action to help your child with Autism now? I am a specialist when it comes to helping Autism Families to teach their children to Potty Train, Communicate, and Stop Problem Behaviors. BOOK A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION CALL HERE, so we can hear all about your baby, tell you about our program and see if it makes sense to work together.